Where Are You?

Contact tracing technology are now being used in some countries during this COVID-19 pandemic period to track and trace individuals.

For this purposes, the goal is to get an answer to the question: “where are you?”

God was seeking for the couple when He asked, “Where are you?” (Gen. 3:9). This question found man in a state of hiding himself from God (v. 8). Why were they hiding from God?

God’s Purpose in Creating Man

In God’s creation, He created man according to God’s kind (Acts 17:28), for man was created according to God’s own image and likeness (Gen. 1:26-27). God had a specific purpose for doing this; He wanted man to be like Him and to be able to represent Him (v. 28).

In order to fill this lack, God brought man before the tree of life (Gen. 2:9), which signifies the eternal life of God, so that by eating of the tree of life, man shall, in God’s own words, live forever (Gen. 3:22).

Man’s Fall and His Hiding from God

A tragic story soon unfolded. Man was deceived by Satan, who came in the form of a serpent, and ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Man had disobeyed God and, as a consequence, Sins, entered into man. Alas, man sinned against God!

Ignorant of what the eternal purpose of God is, and evading God in our lives and living, we have been “hiding” from the presence of God by reveling in all sorts of worldly desires like food, clothing, recreation, movies, travel, and, most of all, money!

Then came the COVID-19 pandemic. We are now all strictly locked down in the confines of our own homes.

God’s Purpose in “Locking Down” Man

We may think that our staying home is all about abiding by the government directives on community quarantine. But our God whose ways are higher than our ways, He wants us to “hide” in our home instead of “hiding” in our usual “hideouts” so that we can have a quiet time of soul searching. He wants us to reflect on the life we used to have before the lockdown—a life on the run and hiding from God!

Prayer to Receive the Lord

Come out to meet Him and speak to Him with this prayer:

“Lord Jesus. Please forgive me for hiding myself from You. I confess that I have neglected You. Lord, thank You for coming to seek after me to save me. I open myself to You now for Your salvation work. In Your name I pray. Amen.”
