What Is Man?

From the ancient times to the present, human beings have been quite invincible: man discovered electricity and invented electric light to illuminate the dark nights; man invented the Internet, and suddenly the world became a “global village”; man developed technology and soared into the sky, reaching even into outer space. Now, in the face of the coronavirus, what is man? The meticulously designed KN95 masks cannot stop this all-pervasive virus; careful alcohol disinfection cannot prevent the virus from spreading; the speeding up of vaccine development cannot catch up with the lightning speed of the spread of the virus; highly developed great nations cannot bear the waves of troubles caused by the small viruses; indestructible relationships cannot withstand the cruelty of death. We cannot help but ask: what is man in the face of death? Indeed, as a poet put it: “We are like mayflies enjoying a flicker of life in this world, and as infinitesimal as a grain in the sea.” Just like a mayfly and a grain, human beings can only lament the transiency of human life and envy the permanence of nature.

The human life is like a shadow (Eccl. 6:12) and a sigh (Psa. 90:9). Success or failure, gain or loss, sorrow or joy, and honor or shame are all like chasing after wind (Eccl. 1:14). Man in himself is really nothing. The book of Psalm in the Bible says: “What is mortal man, that You remember him, / And the son of man, that You visit him?” (8:4) Dear friend, do you know that God remembers you? Although man is small, He does not despise him! Although man is powerless, He wants to strengthen him! Although man is helpless, He wants to encourage him! Although man is limited, He wants to be the unlimited One in him! Dear friend, do you know that God visits you? This eternal God, having passed through time and space, have come to this world personally just to find you. In Genesis, God said to man: “Where are you?” (3:9) Friend, have you heard the voice of Him who is calling you?

God has loved you with an eternal love and He is seeking you to give you the eternal and divine life. Please respond to Him, receive Him, and pray to Him: “Lord Jesus, I need you. Although I am so small and weak, You have always remembered me. Lord, I receive You right now.” In this way, you will overcome the fragile, bitter, and transient human life and live a full, beautiful, overflowing, and blessed human life!
