We All Like Sheep Having Gone Astray

 Human beings are all lost sheep, rushing about blindly in the world and not able to find a direction in life. Our bodies are expropriated by the ruler of this world in overtime work and in games and entertainment. Our souls are troubled by the ruler of this world with real and fake news and with the desire to live in excessive luxury and enjoyment. Hence, we have no time or energy to consider the true meaning of life, nor do we know the purpose of being alive. Day by day, we are busy. Even though some seemingly are successful people like CEOs, enjoying fine foods and expensive wines, but as the crowd disperses and the bustling sounds draw to a close in the dead of night, they inevitably have anxious thoughts about the unknown future. Bill Gates once said: “Microsoft is always away from bankruptcy only 18 months.” Alibaba’s founder Jack Ma, the richest man in China, said: “I have become the richest man, but I am not happy at all.”

Fortunately, our life can have a turn for the better because of Jesus Christ. Christ is the Savior sent by God into the world to solve the problems of human life. He, the Son of God, personally came to the earth to live as a man for thirty-three and a half years. He was the Friend of sinners, the Physician of the sick, and even more the Lamb of God. He died for us on the cross to take away the sins of the world. However, death could not hold Him; He resurrected from the dead to release the divine life. As long as you believe into Him and receive Him, you will possess Him as the divine, abundant, eternal, and unlimited life. You will have nothing to do with the ruler of this world, the devil Satan. All the cares of this life, the lust of the eyes, and the anxiety for tomorrow will fall away from your heart.

The book of First Peter in the Bible says that we are like sheep being led astray, but we have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of our souls (2:25). When we have the Lord, we have everything; when our sins are forgiven, our whole being feels so light. A life of sorrow then becomes a joyful and beautiful song.

Let us pray together: “Father God, I thank You for loving me and sending the Lord Jesus to find me and to bring me back to You. I receive the Lord Jesus as my Savior. Now I am in Your presence and in Your house, enjoying the great love that You have prepared for me in eternity.”
