There Is God

Psalms 19:1 says “The heavens declare the glory of God, And the firmament proclaims the work of His hands”.

We know that God is there by the arrangement of everything in the universe, although we cannot see Him.

Every single phenomenon of nature is so balanced, organized, meaningful, and functional; the universe has to be created by Someone with profound wisdom, vast knowledge, and intricate design.

Romans 1:19 says “Because that which is known of God is manifest within them, for God manifested it to them.”

Our heart argues for the existence of God; everyone is seeking after God; there must be the existence of God in the universe.

For every inward need in man, there is a corresponding supply outside of him; for example, the appetite for food within man is met by the supply of a variety of foods outside of man.

Deep in everyone there is a craving for God; if no God exists, we would never have such a craving in our heart.

Hebrews 11:6 says “For he who comes forward to God must believe that He is”.

We must say that God is real; He is a living God.

Our Lord Jesus is God Himself; we should simply open our mouth and call on the Lord from our heart so that He will enter into us.

“When the Triune God lives Himself in you, / He will change your being, your life renew; / You’ll be quickened within, / Filled with joy to the brim, / And your flesh shall rest in hope! / Open now your heart to Him, / Breathe His name from deep within, / In an instant He’ll come in / And with you be one!”
