The Weary Finds Rest

Hearing the screaming sirens of the ambulances, seeing the news of families being torn apart by death, complaining about the resumption of work being delayed yet again, and wondering when the items ordered will ever arrive—this is the life for many people today.

And there is also the anxiety that masks are running out, the sigh that there is only expenditure without income, the helplessness in doing homeschooling, the increasing hostile relationships among family members, and on and on it goes.

How we longed to be at home when we were busy working outside. Now that we are at home, we long to get away and be busy.

Only when our outward busyness is stripped away will our inward emptiness emerge, making us full of doubts about the past.

Only when our social activities are stopped will our inward fear surge, making us full of worries about the future.

All former toils are not worthy of mention in the face of emptiness.

All former pressures become easy to handle in the face of fear.

Alas, now we see, emptiness is the deepest toil, and fear is the heaviest pressure.

Trying to comfort ourselves will only deepen our anxiety.

Boldly asking others for help will only bring the pressure of being indebted.

Since we are powerless and everyone may fall any moment, why not try coming to the Lord Jesus for rest?

For He said, “Come to Me all who toil and are burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). This is the good news from the Lord Jesus. Come to Him. He is our true rest.

Simply call upon Him: “O Lord Jesus, I need You.” Your emptiness will be filled with joy, and your fear will be driven away by peace, for the Lord has come into you. He is in your mouth and also in your heart (Rom. 10:8). He will be with you forever.

Let us pray together: “Lord Jesus! You know I am miserable and I have nowhere else to go. Lord, You can understand me and sympathize with me. Lord, I open to You. Deliver me from all the troubles and anxieties. Lord, give me Your sweet rest.”
