The True Value of Man

People are taught to have their own value systems, and not to compare themselves with others. But in real life, competition and comparison are everywhere. From the size of our incomes to how many “thumbs up” we get, people value themselves by comparing themselves with others in education, ability, appearance, career, popularity, accomplishment…That is why so many people are unhappy, feeling anxious, despised, or useless.

But what is the true value of man? Do the previous things mentioned determine the true value of man? No, they do not. Because all those things will go away one day; their glory is so brief. As the Bible says: “All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass has withered, and the flower has fallen off…” (1 Peter 1:24)

However, man has not only a body and mind; man also has a spirit, which gives him the highest value. (I Thess. 5:23) By means of the human spirit, man can contact and receive God, the creator, as his eternal life, and thus becomes a son of God. Man is meant for eternity. No wonder God became a man, Jesus. He came to seek man …like a merchant seeking fine pearls; and finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it (Matthew 13:45-46). It means that Jesus shed His blood and died on the cross to buy you and bring you out of a place where people, even including you yourself, don’t know your true value. Jesus Christ treasures you as being of greater value than anything on the earth, even more than His own soul-life, not because of your education, appearance, ability, accomplishment…rather, just because you are a man or woman. Now Jesus Christ is in resurrection as a life-giving spirit, and He desires to give His life to you. As you receive His life in your spirit, you will enjoy the fact that the true value of man is to be one with God in life and nature. (I Cor. 6:17, 2 Peter 1:4)

You can receive Him now by praying like this: “Lord Jesus! Thank You for creating me with a spirit. Thank You that You would die for me and thank You that You bought me with Your own blood! Praise You that now You are in resurrection. I receive You as my savior! Come into my spirit to be my life. I love You, Lord Jesus!”
