The Three Questions Most Asked during the Covid-19 Pandemic

After the worldwide outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the implementation of strict travel controls everywhere, travelers would almost always be asked these three questions when interviewed by the security personnel manning the checkpoints: WHO ARE YOU? WHERE ARE YOU FROM? and WHERE ARE YOU GOING?


People fill up or immigration entry forms contain information such as their name, age, and civil status. These represent who they claim they are, and make them distinctly unique and identifiable from other people.

Apparently, there is diversity when it comes to one’s status in terms of financial, intellectual, and social standing. However, the Bible asserts that regardless of our background, we all share one common status before God: Everyone is a SINNER!

Who can say that he has made his heart clean and he is pure from his sin? If there is anyone who says that he does not have sin and he has not sinned, he is a liar deceiving no one but himself.


Man was made in God’s own image and likeness with a divine purpose to fulfill.

In the garden of Eden, Satan came in to deceive our ancestors, Adam and Eve, making them disobey God, thereby sinning against Him. Henceforth, all of mankind descended from Adam and Eve are living in darkness, sitting in darkness and walking in darkness.

The psalmist in the Bible admits, “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me”. Inasmuch as man was born in sin; therefore, man lives in sin. If man lives in sin, all his living is sinful, whether consciously or unconsciously, intentionally or unintentionally.   


It is an inexorable fact that every soul who sins shall die. All the living know that they will die.

God has set a day in which He is to judge the world in righteousness. Christ will judge every man’s secret and according to every man’s work before the great white throne.

The Bible tells us that all unbelieving sinners will not have their names written in the book of life and shall be cast into the lake of fire. They will suffer second death, which means that they will perish forever!


Yes, you can! You do not have to resign yourself to a “fate” of eternal perdition. He is extorting you today, “I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse; therefore, choose life…”.

The Lord Jesus has paved the way for you. He is the way, the reality, and the life for you to go to the Father God (John 14:6).

Today, all you need to do is repent and turn to God. Open your heart to receive the Lord Jesus as your Savior. By so doing you shall obtain God’s life so that your name may be written in the book of life.
