The Desire of All the Nations

What is the desire of all the nations? The basic desire of all men on the earth are the same. All men desire love. All men desire freedom. All men long for security and satisfaction. All men want acceptance. All men desire joy and peace. And all men desire truth. In the Bible, the desire of all the nations is personified and refers to the Lord Jesus. Time Magazine called Jesus “the single most powerful figure in human history”.

How could someone who lived a relatively short life in the rural backwater of the Roman Empire and who, while on earth never thought publicity and even shunned publicity for himself, have such an influence on the world? It is because this person is the reality of all of men’s desires. The powerful impact of Christ is that once He is received into your heart, He is found to be everything you are desiring. And the solution to all worry, doubts, and fears.

The inward needs of people are fully met in Christ. Even if people do not believe in Christ or do not know about Him, they still have the same basic desires, although they do not realize it. They too want the desire of all the nations to come into their heart. If you have sought to fulfill your desires apart from God and you still feel empty within, you need to receive him into your heart and you will experience the powerful impact in your life.

Let us pray.

Lord Jesus, I admit there is a void deep within me.

I have been seeking all my life but I still cannot be satisfied.

Thank You for showing me that You are the reality of all my desires.

You are what I have been looking for. Lord, I open myself to You.

 I accept You right now as my Savior and life.

Please come into me and fill me with Your life.

Remove the emptiness that I feel within. Replace it with Yourself.

I asked this in Your name.

