Receiving by Faith

“Vanity of vanities; all is vanity. / What advantage does a man have in all his work which he does under the sun? / A generation goes and a generation comes, / But the earth stands forever” (Eccl. 1:2b-4). Although a grave covered in ivy is the end of all human happiness, finding happiness is still the pursuit of all mankind. Some pursue the happiness of having a successful marriage that lasts a lifetime; some, the happiness of acquiring material riches and good health. Some pursue the happiness of being free from all anxieties and worries; some, the happiness of having a sweet family life and an ideal job; and still some, the happiness of achieving academic excellence and professional success and fame. However, very few have realized the fragility of human life. Beset by human weaknesses and bound by the burdens of life, many end up in unhappy or even broken marriages. Unable to escape aging, sickness, and anxieties, many end up in emptiness and helplessness.

Dear friend, human life is full of anxiety. Have you ever considered what the greatest blessing of human life is? The Bible says: “God…has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ” (Eph. 1:3). The highest and greatest blessing of human life is to meet the Lord Jesus. Material wealth, fame, and position will all pass away. Only God’s blessing will remain with us forever.

Dear friend, the Lord Jesus is the most priceless treasure in the universe with unlimited compassion and undying love. As long as you are willing to receive Him, He will give you the divine eternal life, so you may have the strength and power to live a peaceful and satisfied human life. Dear friend, these incorruptible and unsearchable rich blessings are already deposited into your account. They are waiting for you to withdraw at any time by faith.

Let us pray: “Lord Jesus, I open to You. I receive You by faith. From now on, You are the greatest blessing of my life. You will be my life, making me joyful, restful, and full of peace.”
