One Good News

The world has seemingly taken a worse turn ever since half of its population got locked down by COVID-19 pandemic. All news media are focused on just one and the same subject—coronavirus pandemic! People are confused and confounded by every “breaking news” that only serves to break the heart and trouble the soul, seemingly with no end in sight.

Depressing and heart-wrenching indeed is the daily bombardment of bad news and more bad news. Is there no heart-warming good news that we could relish and count on during these trying times? Apparently, there is none that this world can present to us now!

The Good News

Fortunately, the comforting words in the Bible tell us that we do not need to be afraid of “bad news” (Psa. 112:7). What the world cannot give us, God in His great mercy and grace never ceases to announce the greatest and timeless “good news of great joy” (Luke 2:10) to all the people in the world.

Christ Jesus Came into the World to Save Sinners!

Christ Jesus came into the world by incarnation to be our Savior (John 1:14). He was God incarnated to be a man. He lived a perfect and sinless human life on earth (1 Pet. 2:22) for thirty-three and a half years. Then He was crucified on the cross to bear every man’s sin and died for us so that our sins may be forgiven (1 Pet. 2:24). In resurrection, Christ became a life-giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45b) to dispense Himself into the human spirit of every one who believes in Him and receives Him.

Eternal Life for All

The good news is not just about man being forgiven of his sin and saved from eternal perdition; the better part is that everyone who believes on Him would receive the eternal life of God (John 3:16).

A Prayer to Receive the Lord

Do open your heart to believe on the Lord Jesus and receive Him, and open your mouth to call on Him to ask of Him:

O Lord Jesus! O Lord Jesus! I confess I am a sinner. Thank You for dying for me and forgiving me of my sins. Thank You for giving me Your eternal life. I accept You right now as my Savior. Come into me and be my life. Thank You, Lord. In Your name I pray. Amen.”
