No More Striving

When the pandemic hits, even doctors cannot save lives.

Swayed by opinions and rumors, every heart is in turmoil.

Overshadowed by dark clouds, ambition and self-interest raise their ugly heads.

In a land of wailing and despair, pride and arrogance run wild.

In this pestilential atmosphere, who cares to knock on your door?

Dear friend, do not try so hard to find truth in the world.

Do not ask if “Wuhan Diary” is really from Wuhan.

Do not ask whose fault it is: the authorities’ or the system’s?

Do not sink into this bottomless mire, for there is no resting place there for your heart.

There is nothing new under the sun (Eccl. 1:9); there is no escape from the sufferings of human life. Amidst misery, drought, starvation, and thirst, there is no satisfaction. But, thankfully, the almighty God gave His Son to us! The Lord Jesus came to the earth to proclaim the truth and became the Lamb of God (John 1:29), who bore all the sufferings and sins of mankind and was willingly crucified on the cross on our behalf. He did not defend Himself or feel sorry for Himself. Rather, as a grain of wheat falling into the ground and died, He died and produced us as the many grains (12:24).

Friend, if you just open your heart to believe and receive the Lord Jesus, He will reproduce His divine, unlimited, sweet, and abundant life in you. The divine light will shine in you so that you will no longer live in darkness but will see the true state of the world and find the meaning of human life.

The Bible says: “A bruised reed He will not break, and a smoking flax He will not quench” (Matt. 12:20). Yes, the Lord Jesus is full of lovingkindness and mercy, and He will never despise the small and frail ones like us. Rather, He desires to give us His life abundantly (John 10:10) by graciously coming into our restless heart as sweet showers come upon a dry land. In this way, our troubled soul will finally find rest, and we will no longer pursue and strive for this deceitful, transient world. Instead, we will fully enjoy the Lord Jesus as the all-inclusive, all-surpassing, eternally unfading, and most precious treasure in the universe.
