Living in the Present, Joined to Eternity

Some people have a habit of lingering in their past, reminiscing the good times, while becoming stagnated and tormented by past sufferings, continually living in a condition of the past. Others are full of fantasies about their future, while there are those who are filled with fears concerning tomorrow. Hence, someone shouted out: “We need to live in the present.” When we asked people online how to define “living in the present,” many answered: “Just be practical. Stop your empty thoughts. Just seize the moment!”

But let me ask you: “Should we just live in the present?”

As every person obtains achievement after achievement, it is just the addition of another ZERO to the human life. Without the number 1 in front of all the 0s, all the successes in human life are but a pile of zeroes. Everything counts for nothing.

Using Our Limited Time to Gain Eternal Bliss

In the middle of the twentieth century, there was a man named Jim Elliot. Although he did not live to be 30, he once said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” If our life has no eternal value, it will just pass away. However, we can use the short time that we have to obtain eternal bliss, that which can never be lost. This is what we call a life of value.

Christians have seen a glorious vision and are willing to receive God as their life within, to be joined to eternity. When we are joined to eternity, we will be able to rejoice and live peacefully with God. We will work with strength and diligence. We will live a most magnificent life. When we are joined to eternity, we do not just live in the present to enjoy life and be happy, but this God who is eternal life will become our life’s compass and our present supply.

What does it mean to receive God’s life?

In chapter 1 verses 12-13 of the Gospel of John, it says, “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the authority to become children of God, to those who believe into His name, who were begotten … of God.” As long as we call upon His name, “Lord Jesus,” we are begotten of God. It is an unchanging fact. We obtain the birth certificate, and God’s life enters into our being. The life of the Lord Jesus is given to us freely. As long as we are willing to receive, we can all obtain this wonderful life.

The Bible tells us that one of the names of the Lord Jesus is “Immanuel,” which means God is with us. Our Lord is willing to be with us day by day until the end of the age. The only question now is: “Are you willing?”
