It Matters to Him

It has been said that anxiety is the gear that makes the world turn. Human life is full of anxiety – anxiety about good grades for a good education; anxiety for a good job; anxiety about job security; anxiety about finding love; anxiety about a good marriage; anxiety about our children; anxiety about our retirement; anxiety about our health; anxiety about having a meaningful and fulfilling life. Even in the little things of daily life anxious thoughts can come like an ocean wave – rising until it breaks and crashes upon us then to ebb and slowly recede only for another wave to follow.  The current anxiety over the Coronavirus is one in a series of anxious “waves” we encounter in this age.  Where then lies the lasting solution? 

The Bible tells us to cast all your anxiety on Jesus Christ because it matters to Him concerning you. (1 Pet. 5:7) Everything we pass through and are anxious about matters to the Lord. Jesus Christ knows our anxious thoughts and every situation we are in.  He is able to bear our burdens and bring us through any trial and suffering.  He is longing and waiting to become the anchor of our soul amidst any of life’s stormy seas – because it matters to Him concerning you.
