Discarding the Old for the New

Every day as we turn on our cell phones, the news concerning the pandemic just overwhelms us. Over two hundred countries in the world have been infected, and the number of infected cases continues to rise each day. More and more cities and countries are locked down with the stay-at-home order. People who originally lived a life of ease and freedom are now under the threat of death. When people no longer have the right to enjoy life, what does life become? Some have committed suicide because of being infected; some have become depressed because of fear; more have used social media to seek comfort from their followers; and some have talked to the neighbors by shouting and have held impromptu “parties” on the balcony, enjoying the moment while they can.

As God’s children, Christians everywhere have also been going through this storm. But through various communication mediums, they have often shared how they overcame various difficulties by God and witnessed miracles in their daily life. Some brothers and sisters who were infected have overcome fear by the spirit of faith and have been wondrously healed by the prayer of others. Under the physical limitations, brothers and sisters have formed themselves into groups and supported one another on the phone and through the Internet. Those with both love and the means have also supplied the material needs of others in a timely manner. Resting in God’s life is power, and singing in the spirit of faith is better than sighing.

Dear friend, in this difficult time, do you also long for rest for your soul? Do you also desire the sweetness of a holy living? The Bible says: “So then if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old things have passed away; behold, they have become new” (2 Cor. 5:17). It is just this simple: if you just open your heart to call, “O Lord Jesus,” and simply believe into Jesus, God’s life and all His riches will become yours, and you will have a life of victory and joy.

Let us pray: “Lord Jesus, from this day on, I would like to live a Christian life, and I would like to enjoy You as the highest joy with the brothers and sisters. O Lord, give my life a new beginning and a new start!”
