Christ’s Redemption – Unlocking the Mystery of the

Life and Death of the God-Man

Who is Christ?

Matthew 16:16 says, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Christ is the Savior sent by God into the world to solve the problems of human life.

Colossians 2:9 says, “For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.” He is God incarnated; He tabernacled among us, full of grace and reality.

Thus, He is the complete God, and the perfect man!

He is better than the good man! He is greater than great men!

He is higher than the moral man! He is holier than holy men! He is a God-man!

Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Savior of mankind. When man calls on His name, believes in Him, Christ as the living Spirit enters into him, transforming his life. He will turn your emptiness into reality, darkness into light, weakness to strength, fear to courage, and sadness to joy.

The Death of the God-man

Ephesians 1:7 says, “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of offenses, according to the riches of His grace.” This God-man was crucified on the cross; He accomplished the work of redemption. In His death, He died in three statuses:

  • As the Lamb of God, He takes away the sin of the world.
  • As the bronze serpent that was lifted up, His death destroyed the ancient serpent – Satan, and dealt with the serpentine poison in man – sin.
  • As the grain of wheat, His death releases God’s divine life.


His death has taken away the sin which man has but should not have! His death imparts into man the life which man should have but does not have!

Christ is the Passover Lamb

The best illustration of God’s redemptive work is seen in Christ becoming God’s Passover Lamb. God commanded the Israelites to kill the lamb, and to apply the blood on the doorposts of the house. At midnight, the Angel of God passed through that land, executing His judgment on that land.  All the houses without the blood on the doorposts were judged by the death of the firstborn of that household. All the houses that were under the covering of the blood escaped destruction.

Christ’s death on the cross bears the judgment of God upon sin.

When Christ was crucified on the cross, He was the sinless Son of God. However, He was forsaken by God; He was judged by God, not for His own sin, but for the sin of the entire mankind.

Christ’s blood speaks for man, bringing peace to man.

The Bible says the blood of Christ is speaking for us, much like the lawyer who defends the defendant in court. Through this blood, God was appeased because His righteous demand was satisfied. When God is appeased, our conscience will be at peace. When God forgives man his sins, He forgets our sins. People who believe in Christ’s redemption are being cleansed, justified, purified, and forgiven in God’s eyes; they are even without blemish, undefiled.

