Christ Has Freed Me

An ancient Chinese poet wrote: “As long as I have a pot of wine, I will be satisfied for my whole life.” However, human life in the world today is far more complicated than that described by the poet. With the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence “AI” and big data, human life has become increasingly regimented, and more and more people are living in a programed, routine way. Faced with new technology that increasingly takes over every aspect of human life, many people have a growing sense of powerlessness and anxiety. More and more jobs are predicted to be replaced by machines, and the pressure of being laid off is causing many to become depressed. Bound by anxiety and depression, many wonder how they can be set free. In the book of Philippians in the New Testament, the apostle Paul, who was imprisoned in Rome at that time, wrote: “I am able to do all things in Him who empowers me” (Phil. 4:13). The Recovery Version of the Bible has a footnote on the word empowers here, which says: “The Greek word means makes dynamic inwardly. Christ dwells in us. He empowers us, makes us dynamic from within, not from without. By such inward empowering. Paul was able to do all things in Christ.”

Dear friend, “in Christ” implies a union of life, which is to receive Christ and have a life union with Him. The Bible says that we were originally branches of a wild olive tree and could not bear any good fruit. We were only occupied with the pursuit for fame and wealth and were under the bondages of those things. Some are also under the bondages of gambling, online games, mobile games, or many other things. Occasionally we might reflect on the vanity of life, but those reflections never lead to any answer. But one day, we came to know Christ, and we the poor branches of the wild olive tree were grafted into the noble tree—Christ as the good olive tree, to enjoy the infusion of the fatness of its sap. As a result, the power of His life freed us in Christ, replaced our bitter life, and bore large and sweet fruits of life. Our life became full of power and we gained the real freedom to become the most vital people in the world.

Dear friend, it is very simple to receive Christ. As long as you open your mouth to pray to Him, you will receive a life of freedom and vitality. Let us pray: “O Lord Jesus! I believe into You. I receive You as my Savior. Please free me and grant me Your divine and powerful life.”
