Christ Being the Meaning of Human Life

God needs man and man needs Christ. Without man, God cannot fulfill His purpose; without man, God cannot do anything. On the other hand, we must also say, “I cannot do anything without Christ.” We are here for God; Christ is here for us.

If we are not for God and Christ is not for us, we are most miserable and pathetic. Unfortunately, this is exactly the real situation of the world today. People in the world are not for God, nor is Christ for them. They put their trust in themselves and make decisions on their own. But we Christians are different than they are because we are for God and Christ is for us.

God does not intend that we express Him out of our own effort, or that we do things for Him out of our initiative. God’s goal is for us to receive Christ as life (Col 3:4; John 6:57; 14:19) that we may express Him and work for Him.

The Lord Jesus said, “… apart from Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5b). The apostle Paul also said, “I am able to do all things in Him who empowers me” (Phil. 4:13). Without Christ, we cannot do anything; with and in Christ, we can do all things.

You, young people, must learn to be for God and to have Christ as your life. If I ask you what you are doing here, you must not say you are studying or doing things. You must answer, “I am here for God!” In what way? It is by taking Christ as your life! This means that you breathe Christ, drink Christ, and eat Christ.

Without Christ, man is nothing more than an empty vessel. Man, as an empty vessel, needs Christ to be his content. This is why we must open ourselves to Christ and receive Him as our life.

You must open up to Christ and call on His name.  No matter where you are, what kind of environment you are in, no matter whom you encounter, or how you are treated, you must forget yourself and your reasoning. Simply open to Him and cry out, “Oh, Lord Jesus!” As long as you enjoy Him, He becomes your life, your content, and the meaning of your life.
