
Mark 16:16 says “Who believes and is baptized shall be saved.

Believing and being baptized can be compared to using our two feet to take a single step; first we believe, and our believing can be compared to the half-step forward of one foot.

Then we are baptized; our baptism can be compared to the completion of the step with the other foot; together, believing and baptism make one complete step.

Acts 22:16 says “Now, why do you delay? Rise up and be baptized …, calling on His name”.

When a person believes in the Lord, he should be baptized immediately without waiting. As you are being baptized, you must call on the name of the Lord; this calling is a declaration that the baptized one has turned to the Lord.

Baptizo is the Greek word; it means “to dip in or under”.

“Who believes and is baptized shall be saved”—Mark 16:16:

Salvation makes people rejoice.

Salvation causes us to be forgiven, to be reconciled to God, to obtain the life of God, and even to obtain God Himself.

“Many weary years I vainly sought a spring, / One that never would run dry; / Unavailing all that earth to me could bring, / Nothing seemed to satisfy. / Drinking at the Fountain that never runs dry, / Drinking at the Fountain of life am I; / Finding joy and pleasure, / In abounding measure, / I am drinking at the Fountain of life”.
