A Stress-Resistant Life

Under the stress of modern life, many people have developed various health problems called psychosomatic disorders. Many of them go from clinic to clinic seeing doctors of internal medicine, neurology, cardiology, or family medicine to treat their headache, insomnia, stomach ulcer, chest tightness, and so on. If they simply ignore their health problems, the stress will not disappear; rather, the stress will only continue to erode their health.

Among the top ten causes of death, chronic diseases such as heart disease and hypertension are all related to long-term stress, which increases the burden on the heart’s blood vessels. Activities such as watching television, going to a movie, shopping, singing karaoke, talking to friends, or even sleeping can only relieve the psychological stress for a short while. With stress accumulating over time without a real solution, some eventually end up taking their own lives.

In 2 Corinthians Paul said: “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not out of us” (4:7). This verse reveals that we human beings are earthen vessels to contain God as the treasure. God became a man named Jesus Christ two thousand years ago to die for our sins and then resurrect to become the life-giving Spirit so that He may come into us to be this treasure within us. As this treasure, Jesus Christ not only has the resurrection power, but He is even resurrection itself, for He said: “… I am the resurrection and the life ….” (John 11:25).

Sometimes when we encounter stressful situations, we are like grains under a grinder. Everyone around us is like a grinder pressing upon us, and we, who are fragile as earthen vessels, are bound to be crushed. However, at this time we can look to the Lord Jesus and say: “O Lord Jesus, my endurance has reached its limit! Please manifest Your endurance through me!” Friend, if you do this, you will be amazed that even in such a situation of death, you will still be able to endure because Christ is the resurrection life and power in you.

In our daily life, often it is our family members and closest ones who cooperate with our persecutors or opposers to “grind” us. With many people, it is only after suffering such pressure that they come to know the preciousness of the life given to them by God through regeneration. The greater the stress, the more it proves the greatness of the resurrection power of Christ over death. No power is greater than the resurrection power of Christ. Stress only manifests the power of God and brings forth the resurrection power of Christ. Therefore, the apostle Paul could testify that he was “… pressed on every side but not constricted; unable to find a way out but not utterly without a way out” (2 Cor. 4:8). Only the resurrection life of Christ can change death into life and turn stress into power. Let us pray: “O Lord Jesus, I receive You right now to be my Savior and life. Please come into me with Your resurrection life and power so that I may overcome all the stress in life. Thank You, Lord Jesus!”
