A Life of Blessing and Happiness

A life of blessing and happiness is not about “blessing” or “happiness,” but about “life.” Life is our main topic. What is life? Life refers to human existence.

When a baby is born, his existence launches.  In the first few years, all he knows is to eat and drink, really nothing else, merely to play and have fun.  As he gradually grows, the taste of pleasure increases, but the color of joy fades–because starting from day care school, all the requirements from teachers, expectations from parents, as well as pressures from classes come to him like wave after wave. During elementary school and middle school, he suffers to get the best grades in order to qualify for the best high school.  After high school, college is next.  Even after becoming a college student, he still has to suffer four more years.

Some young people might hear the Gospel, believe into Jesus, and be saved before graduating from college. From then on, the priceless blessing really has begun.

Before receiving the Lord, we are empty inwardly; after receiving the Lord Jesus, our inner being is filled. This is the meaning of human existence. God lives in us, which is our real blessing, our real happiness.

When a young person just starts his life, he might not feel empty, but by the day of graduation, or after obtaining material possessions, or after attaining a certain social status, he really realizes all things are just vanity–as it says in the Bible, “vanity of vanities,” “nothing new under the sun.” Nowadays, a person of the younger generation might not reach a high position, but at least he has a bachelor’s degree; at this stage of life, he will desire something.

Please remember, what you desire most is not fame and money, but the Lord Himself. You cannot be a man of blessing and happiness unless you allow Him to enter into you. When you do this, you receive the life of Christ, which is Christ becoming your life. You may pray this way:

Oh, Lord Jesus, thank You for letting me know You, and for transforming my life of pressure and suffering into a life of blessing and happiness. Lord Jesus, open my eyes to see that neither money nor fame can grant me this kind of life.  Only by receiving You can my life be such a life.  Oh, Lord Jesus, I do not want any more suffering; I want to open to You, I want to receive You, I want the real blessing and real happiness!
