Why Do I Exist?

Why do I exist?  From ancient times until now, no one has ever given a satisfactory answer to this question.  It is only when we ask God why He created us will we be able to find out why we exist.  God created man according to His nature and desire.  This creation also speaks of His good pleasure.    

The Bible speaks of God’s nature:  First, God is love; love is His essence.  The first significance of our existence is to be loved by God and to love God! This is why God’s greatest requirement for man is to “… love the Lord your God from your whole heart and from your whole soul and from your whole mind and from your whole strength” (Mark 12:30).  He loves man and desires that man would love Him, too!   This is God’s sweetest intention.  This is the most noble significance of man’s existence. 

Second, God is light.  When we receive God’s life and become His children and a Christian, we gradually become the light of the world and shine out the light of God.  When light shines upon us, darkness is scattered.  We can bring light to the people around us, that they may also see God as the rising sun visiting from on high, guiding their feet into the way of peace (Luke1:78-79).  This is the second significance of our existence.

Third, God is Spirit; Spirit is God’s essence.  God desires that we pray at all times and have fellowship with Him in spirit that we may bear the fruit of the Spirit and live a true God-man living.  This is the third significance of our existence.

Our human life can have eternal worth by living a life with God.  Now, please use your spirit, and from your conscience, pray the following sincerely to receive the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Way that God has given to us:

“Lord Jesus, I am willing to receive You. Come into my spirit and be my Life.  I confess that I am a sinner who falls short of the glory of God.  Thank you for dying for my sins, for forgiving all my sins and unrighteousness.  Now I turn to You and receive God’s eternal life. With God’s eternal life, lead me to live a new life.  Let me live a life in love, walking in light, having fellowship with You in spirit, and exercising to be one with You.  Lord Jesus, I give myself to You.  Make Your home in my heart and be my Lord.  Pour out Your love into my heart that I may love You and love others.  Shine upon me with Your light and guide me on the paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake that I may express You.  Thank You.  In your name I pray, Amen.
